Board of Directors & Staff

The dedicated Staff and Board professionals of GYNCA, as well as our countless volunteers, make it possible for services to be provided to women across 30+ counties in Southwest Missouri.


Jan Robbins
Executive Director

Liz Thrasher
Community Development Director

Ryanne Prugger
Member Services Director

Board of Directors/Officers
January 1, 2025-December 31, 2025

Judy Thompson

Joe Wegand

Evelyn Gwin-Mangan

YuJiao Cricchio

Joe Bonebrake
Stevia Bonebrake
Amy Carr
Nancy Cathey
Laura Dannegger
Charity Fitzgerald
Missy Forgey
Martha Gaska
Ann Grace
David Hernandez
Matt Heydt
Randy LaFerriere
Sandra Lowther
Diane Meldi
Susan Mihalevich
Aubrey Prugger
Samantha Steury
Karen Thomas

Ex-Officio Board
Dr. Al Bonebrake
Dr. Molly Greenwade
Dr. Marcia Hernandez
Dr. Ashley Valenzuela

“As a mid-thirty something, I had a routine annual check-up that found pre-cancerous cells on my cervix. I was surprised and shocked when the doctor told me it wasn't 'if' I needed a hysterotomy it was 'when'. That 'when' came several short months after that diagnosis. I serve on the board to bring awareness and hope for women dealing with gyn cancer. You are not alone and have an army of women that have your back.”

Diana Tyndall, Former Board Member